Anchor Tavern, 69-70 West Orchard

Alternative Addresses:76 West Orchard
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
Photo West Orchard late c1860s The Anchor was a common sign especially used by landlords who had connections with the sea or who wished to attract seamen as customers. It stood near the east end of West Orchard close to the entrance to the 18th century market. It was adapted from a wine merchants, and the earliest reference I have seen to the pub is in 1779. In 1876 it was purchased by Matterson, Huxley and Watson, the local ironmongers, for £100 and closed in 1887.


1822 - 1842 Joseph Wilson 1842 - 1843 Henry Mandy 1843 Thomas Smith 1844 - 1848 John Smith 1848 - 1867 William Stringer, carpenter 1867 - 1877 Henry John Pope Pearson 1879 - 1882 William Bickerton (found drowned in Monmouth Aug 1882) 1882 - 1883 Mary Bickerton


1876 Matterson, Huxley & Watson
Anchor Tavern
Street plan of 1851
Google map location
(Due to the scaling on old maps, the pin location might not be 100% accurate.)
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