Britannia, 65 New Street

These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
Britannia was the Roman name for Britain. The first mention of the symbolic female figure occurs in Samuel Pepys' diaries and refers to a medal struck in 1665. Many pubs refer in some way to a ship named Britannia. The Royal Navy has been using the name since 1682. From at least 1831 it was owned by the Free Grammar School and from 1831 to 1833 it was leased by Charles Rotherham. In 1862 it was leased to Mr C. G. Rose for 21 years for £24 per annum. In 1882 it was sold and in 1939 closed. It appears in Phipps Estate Ledger, unfortunately undated, with an annual rent of £30. In 1835 this was a BEERHOUSE.


1822 - 1823 S. Johnson 1828 - 1829 John Ward 1835 John Coleman 1841 William Tansley 1845 - 1861 Joseph Bibb 1868 - 1881 James Greatorex 1886 - 1893 E. Dalton 1894 H. Cooke 1896 R. Herbert 1903 F. Ashbury 1905 D. E. Welsby 1909 - 1922 John Henry Cadman 1924 - 1927 F. Turner 1929 - 1932 G. H. Greetham 1933 - 1934 J. Cotterill 1935 - 1940 W. A. Turner


1831 - 1862 Free Grammar School ? Phipps
Street plan of 1851
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