Three Horse Shoes, 1007 Foleshill Road

Alternative Addresses:1009 Little Heath Road
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
2018presentNEW HORSESHOE
Three Horse Shoes Foleshill Rd This name was probably chosen by the first licensee due to being a wheelwright and blacksmith. In 1906 Phillips and Marriott valued the pub at £2,026, including two cottages and a garden. In 1908 it was the BEERHOUSE, Little Heath. In 1982 it was a 'large, popular local with discos Thursday to Saturday'. On the 30th October 2018 it reopened as the NEW HORSESHOE Bar and Grill. Three Horse Shoes Foleshill Rd

Three Horse Shoes are featured on the arms of The Worshipful Company of Farriers, farriers often being employed by coaching inns.


1874 - 1900 Joshua Morris, wheelwright & blacksmith 1906 Thomas Walling 1909 - 1929 Henry Sutton 1931 - 1931 John Sutton 1933 - 1940 Mrs E. A. Sutton


1906 Phillips & Marriott
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