Stoneleigh, Broad Lane (Sumner)

Address:Broad Lane
Became:Hawthorn Tree
Alternative Addresses:Stoneleigh
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
Broad Lane is listed as Stoneleigh because the Lords Leigh of Stoneleigh Abbey owned the Tile Hill and Westwood areas until the late 1920s. The Hawthorn Tree started as a BEERHOUSE before 1850 as this is the first mention I have found. The first reference to the name the Hawthorn Tree comes in 1870, when it was sold. This pub stood on the opposite corner of Hawthorn Lane and Broad Lane to the later pub, where a more recent house, No 419 Broad Lane, now stands. At that time the only buildings between Banner Lane and Jobs Lane were Kendel's Farm, The Elms and The Firs smallholdings, and the pub. A pub in this situation would have been a resort for the population of the nearby suburbs of Coventry, particularly on a Sunday. In 1861 Joseph Sumner is a shoemaker and publican at the HAWTHORN TREE and by 1871 just a beerhouse keeper at the Hawthorn Tree In 1937 the Hawthorn Tree was demolished and the new pub with the same name built on the opposite corner of Hawthorn Lane and Broad Lane.


LICENSEES: (the BEERHOUSE, Broad Lane) 1861 - 1900 Joseph Sumner LICENSEES: (the BEERHOUSE, Tile Hill) 1924 Frank Chattaway
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Stoneleigh, Broad Lane (Linney)
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Stoneleigh, Broad Lane (Sumner)
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