Adam and Eve, Mill Lane

Alternative Addresses:Jordan Well
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
c17561857ADAM AND EVE
The Acorn
The Acorn / Adam and Eve on the corner of Jordan Well and Cox Street (previously named Mill Lane).
Adam and Eve were the arms of the Fruiterers Company, although whether this has any connection to this pub we really don't know. It was in existence by 1756, as at this date two soldiers were billeted there. In 1769 it was To Let, and in 1787 a dwelling house, formerly the Adam and Eve, was for sale. It didn't last long as a private dwelling, as in 1790 it was advertised as the Adam and Eve again. Although it had become the ACORN during 1857, Kelly's and White's directories in 1876 still listed it as the Adam and Eve. Since the same families appear in the overlapping entries, it is safe to assume that the Adam and Eve and Acorn were one and the same pub. From photographs this was a very small building but at the 1841 census it was occupied by the licensee, William Deeming, and nine family members!


1822 - 1823 W. Read 1835 - 1846 William Deeming 1846 - 1852 Joseph Burgess 1852 William Smith 1852 - 1855 Richard Makepeace
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