City Arms, 34-35 Fleet Street

Alternative Addresses:West Orchard
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
City Arms Hotel
City Arms Fleet St The pub dates back at least to 1839 when it was a BEERHOUSE, run by Joseph Barton, and stood on the corner of Fleet Street and West Orchard. It was demolished in the mid 1950s, and when the Upper Precinct, including Market Way and Smithford Way, were finished in 1955 they contained 88 shops, 3 large stores and 1 pub - the new City Arms, in Smithford Way.

The name comes from the Coventry Coat of Arms.


1839 - 1840 Joseph Barton 1845 - 1852 Samuel Green (died 16th Mar 1852, aged 49) 1861 - 1868 William Smith 1871 - 1874 Charles Naylor 1879 Charles King 1886 - 1893 F. Rainbow 1894 E. Oxborrow 1896 Alice Pearson 1903 - 1905 Joseph Pearson 1909 B. Edwards 1911 - 1919 George Edwards 1921 - 1924 W. H. E. Ross 1926 - 1940 W.Monk 1960 - 1962 George Hammond (This would be the new pub)
City Arms
Street plan of 1893
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