Golden Horse Inn, Bayley Lane

Alternative Addresses:Pepper Lane
I have no idea about this name, which seems most popular in Coventry. In 1756 six soldiers were billeted here. Regiments of soldiers were regularly housed in the inns around the city before the barracks were built in 1793. In 1786 Mary Felkin obtained a post as servant to Mr. Crosby of the Golden Horse Inn, which was situated next to the city gaol in the narrow road that ran alongside Holy Trinity church. At the rear of the inn there was a hayloft and warehouse. At about 11 o'clock on 2nd January 1787, the family retired to bed and Mary Felknin robbed the inn and set fire to the hayloft. She was ultimately apprehended and hung on Whitley Common. The pub is said to have closed in 1824 and was later replaced by the gaol. Yet in 1828 Joseph Quiney had the Golden Horse in Earl Street. This cannot have been the same building because the Golden Horse in Earl Street occupied Palace Yard, the opposite side of the road to Bayley Lane. Perhaps when the Golden Horse in Bayley Lane closed he took the name and his customers to the Earl Street premises.


1786 - 1787 Mr. Crosby 1822 - 1823 J. Quiney
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