Old Oak Tree, Bayley Lane

In August 1846 the Coventry Herald reported that Thomas Lucas stole a sheet and a blanket while staying at the Old Oak Tree, the property of John Brierley and his wife Elizabeth. For this crime, Thomas, having had a former conviction, was sentenced to fourteen years transportation ! Four months later Helen James confessed, and was convicted, of being drunk and disorderly at this pub. She was discharged after putting a shilling in the poor box. 1847 saw Charles Mander as the Old Oak Tree's landlord, and in February "was charged with keeping his house open for the sale of beer beyond the hours prescribed by his license." Mander was fined 10s., plus 9s. 6d. costs. On the 9th April that year the Coventry Herald advertised the pub To be Let by auction.


1846 John Brierley 1847 Charles Mander
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