Rayes Inn, Much Park Street

This inn is first mentioned as long ago as 1411, when John Ray leases a new inn (a hospicium) with shops and garden in Much Park Street, from Trinity Guild. In 1594 we learn that the inn is conveyed from Edward Brugges and his wife Catherine to John Brugges (must be related - possibly a son). Rayes Inn is mentioned in 1603 and then in 1701 is conveyed from Edward Hill and Thomas Murcott to Horatio Hopkins. It is reported as the HAYES INN in a lease of 1705 as forming part of the boundary of a property. This is an obvious mis-spelling of the surname of John Ray.


1411 Trinty Guild 1594 Edward & Catherine Brugges 1594 John Brugges 1701 Edward Hill & Thomas Murcott 1701 Horatio Hopkins
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