Watchmakers Arms, 36 Spon Street

Our first reference is 1847 when the pub was to let. In 1899 it was purchased by Phillips and Marriott and valued at £3,250 including six cottages. In 1917 it was sold to Rudge Whitworth for £3,500 and closed. The Rudge Whitworth Cycle Works was built on the site. Note all the female licensees - seven at least.

Watchmaking was a common occupation in Coventry from the mid-18th century.


1849 - 1851 William Jones 1853 James Vickers 1853 - 1855 Joseph Rice 1856 - 1857 Israel Cox 1857 Ann Worrall (took the license from Cox in May, married Tom Hargraves in June and transferred the license to her husband in July) 1857 -1859 Thomas Hargraves 1859 James Coleman 1859 - 1863 Jemima Coleman 1863 - 1866 John and Jacob Bayliss 1866 - 1868 John Bayliss jun. 1868 - 1870 Reuben Deeming 1870 - 1872 William Morton 1872 - 1874 Samuel Russell 1874 John Smith 1878 John Basnett 1878 - 1880 Mary Ann Holt (moved to the Anchorsmith) 1880 - 1881 Margaret Weston 1886 - 1899 Elizabeth Mary Anne Carter 1902 Walter Harry Barton 1903 - 1910 Sarah Ann Barton / Moyce 1910 - 1913 Stanley Moyce 1917 Miss Winifred Turner Thanks to Brian Patterson for additional information


to 1899 Emma Bayliss from 1899 Phillips & Marriott
Watchmakers Arms
Street plan of 1851
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