William IV, 1059 Foleshill Road

Alternative Addresses:Little Heath Road, Little Heath, Foleshill. Bacon's Yard
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
1837c1841WILLIAM IV
c18632010WILLIAM IV
William IV, Foleshill Rd This pub is first mentioned in a sale document of 1837, when the licensee was John Bacon. Interestingly, one address for the pub is 'Bacon's Yard'. In 1982 it was 'a popular local with mock half-timbered appearance'. In 1986 it was taken over by Pele (real name, Bains) who provided Indian cuisine and in 2010 it was the J. K. English Indian restaurant. The building still stands.
JK English, Foleshill Rd

William IV (1765-1837) was the third son of George III. He joined the navy as a midshipman in 1779 and was soon made captain. He frequently disobeyed the orders of his superiors and violated the rules of discipline so he was never allowed to command a ship. Instead, in 1801, he was promoted to the rank of Admiral of the Fleet.


1837 John Bacon 1880 William Truelove 1892 - 1900 Joseph Dewis 1904 Thomas Welling 1911 - 1924 Thomas Green 1929 - 1938 A. J. Bayliss 1939 - 1940 W. J. Neville 1986 Perminder & Jatinder Bains
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