Angel Inn, Cook Street

Alternative Addresses:Cook Street Square
This was an ancient inn, as it is recorded in 1480 as being on the Prior's ground. The Angel in Cook Street only assumed the title of Hotel in its latter years, from 1919.

This is a sign used since the Middle Ages reflecting the connection between religious establishments and travellers' inns and hostels at that time.


1822 - 1845 George Smith 1850 - 1866 Elizabeth Smith 1866 - 1871 John Sawrey, Innkeeper and silk weaver 1874 John Smith 1879 - 1881 Frederick Rainbow 1886 W. Fitzhugh 1890 - 1924 Edward Lewin
Angel Inn
Street plan of 1851
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(Due to the scaling on old maps, the pin location might not be 100% accurate.)
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