Bluebell, Greyfriars Lane

Alternative Addresses:Warwick Lane
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
17561884 (1909)?BELL / BLUEBELL
Bell Greyfriars La In 1756, six soldiers were billeted here. The name seemed to vary over the years between Bell and Bluebell. J. Jeps in 1868 seems to be the same as Jennifer Jeffs. This became the CHEYLESMORE INN c1896 although there seems to have been some confusion about the name for the following ten years. J. Roberts in 1905 and G. K. Driver in 1909 are licensees of the Bell according to Robertson & Gray's Directory, yet in Phillips & Marriott's Property Register they are licensees of the Cheylesmore! The photo on the left shows The Bell (right) opposite Ford's Hospital in Greyfriars Lane some time in the late 1800s.


1828 - 1829 Sarah Suckling 1841 William Pearson 1845 J. Cooper 1850 - 1851 Elizabeth Jephcott 1861 William Jeffs 1868 Jennifer Jeffs (J. Jeps) (wife of William Jeffs) 1871 - 1879 William King 1881 - 1886 Thomas Oates (Oats) 1905 J. Roberts 1909 George Knight Driver


1874 George Hollick 1874 - 1891 Mrs. Sarah Hollick 1891 Sarah Harris (same as above, remarried) 1891 - 1896 Charles Webb Iliffe
Street plan of 1893
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(Due to the scaling on old maps, the pin location might not be 100% accurate.)
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