Crystal Palace, 3A Burges

These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
18221865ROSE & CROWN, ROSE
Burges West Side 1930s
The Crystal Palace would have occupied the gap to the right of the horse & cart.
The Crystal Palace was the mainly glass building commissioned by Prince Albert to house the International Exhibition of 1851. It was designed by Sir Joseph Paxton. The Crystal Palace itself was destroyed by fire in 1936. When Robert Higgitt took the license of the ROSE & CROWN in November 1864, he soon changed the name to the CRYSTAL PALACE, which he began to advertise from March 1865. He soon had bigger plans though, and by 1867 he had opened the Sydenham Palace Hotel in Lower Ford Street. On closure in 1929, the license for this pub was transferred to the Holyhead in Holyhead Road.


1864 - 1866 Robert Higgitt 1867 - 1874 Joseph Cattell (moved from Old Windmill, Burges, December 1867) 1879 - 1881 James Ellis Patterson 1886 J. Sudden 1890 - 1891 G. Kenning 1893 J. Edwards 1894 H. Liddington 1896 William Cotton 1903 - 1905 J. H. E. Brown 1909 - 1913 Mrs. Elizabeth Brown 1919 - 1929 Walter Jones
Crystal Palace
Street plan of 1851
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