Hope and Anchor, 38 Sherbourne Street, Spon End

In 1822/23 J. S. Eburne is listed as licensee of the Hope Tavern, with no address given. We think it may be this pub. This was known to be a home brew pub until 1920. In 1841 see the BEERHOUSE, Spon End, Wilson. Note the remarkable longevity of James Thompson, who spent 52 years at the same pub. Also the various trades pursued by licensees, not only brewer but also ropemaker and watchmaker finisher. It closed on 15th November 1940 - so war damage, then.

In this name hope may have been used in the sense of a small bay. In Christian symbolism the anchor is the sign of hope. The spare anchor on a ship was often called the 'hope anchor'.


1822 - 1823 J. S. Eburne (Hope Tavern) 1835 - 1841 Charles Wilson 1845 S. Russell 1850 - 1851 William Palmer ropemaker 1861 Ezekiel Saunders. His daughter Ann, married James Thompson (below) in 1856. She died in 1858, but James and his son (also James) takes over from Ezekial in 1868. Thanks toMalcolm Sanders forthe additional info. 1868 - 1920 James Thompson watchmaker finisher & brewer 1921 - 1932 F. Laugharne 1933 - 1940 P. A. Clarke BREWERS: 1871 - 1920 James Thompson
Hope and Anchor
Street plan of 1851
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