Junction Arms, Junction Street, Hillfields

Alternative Addresses:St. Peters Street
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
18511853UNION ARMS
The name Junction Arms was first known from an advertisement in the Coventry Standard in November 1853, when it was being sold, and the following month more detail was added to the advertisement, describing the public house as being on the corner of Junction Street and St Peter's Street. However, the same newspaper, in December 1853, also advertised the pub for sale as still being named UNION ARMS! Some time after Junction Street became Vine Street in 1879, the Junction Arms closed and became a private dwelling. Meanwhile, the Landlord Henry Francis move to a new pub, VINE COTTAGE, at No.8 Cross Street in 1881.


1853 Mr Kenning
Junction Arms
Street plan of 1851
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