Mattock and Spade, 16 Jordan Well

Alternative Addresses:17 Jordan Well
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
In 1835 and 1850 this is the BEERHOUSE, Jordan Well. It closed on the 15th November 1940, directly after the blitz. Photo
The mattock is an agricultural implement of pick shape, with an adze and a chisel edge as ends of the head. Hence it goes with a spade as an agricultural sign.


1822 - 1835 William Barnacle 1835 - 1850 Beerhouse 1868 David Barnacle 1871 Daniel Barnacle 1874 - 1886 Winifred Barnacle 1890 - 1896 C. H. Phillips 1903 - 1905 J. Brown 1909 - 1934 William H. Barnacle 1935 - 1936 F. E. Eatwell 1937 - 1938 A. T. Jones 1939 - 1940 C. Morris
Mattock and Spade
Street plan of 1851
Google map location
(Due to the scaling on old maps, the pin location might not be 100% accurate.)
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Mattock and Spade
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