Queen's Hotel Bar, Warwick Lane

Alternative Addresses:Greyfriars Lane
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
Queens Hotel Bar, 1888 Map Obviously this was the bar to the Queen's Hotel, Hertford Street, which must have had a separate license at this time. From the start it was occasionally also referred to as the QUEEN'S HOTEL VAULTS, but from 1911 it took on that name exclusively. It is often reported as being in Greyfriars Lane, but it actually stood in Warwick Lane, as this 1888 map extract shows.

This could refer to a number of queens, Elizabeth I, Victoria or Anne being the usual candidates.


1881 E. Yates 1886 - 1891 A. Bundy
Queen's Hotel Bar
Street plan of 1893
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