Weavers Arms, Bayley Lane

Alternative Addresses:Bailey Lane
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
In 1794 this was the JOLLY WEAVERS, Bailey Lane. From 1843 to 1851 it was the WEAVERS ARMS and by 1860 it had become the CLARENDON ARMS. The pub closed on 6th August 1938.

The Worshipful Company of Weavers (1155) has the longest history of any city guild. Weaving played a vital part in Coventry's economy from the Middle Ages.


1844 - 1847 Charles Twaites (moved to the Fox and Vivian, Gosford Street) 1847 James Coleman 1850 - 1851 William Fitchett
Weavers Arms
Street plan of 1851
Google map location
(Due to the scaling on old maps, the pin location might not be 100% accurate.)
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