Brewer and Baker, 89-90 East Street, Hillfields

Alternative Addresses:South Street
These premises have been known by different names during their history:FROMTONAME
Brewer Baker, East St Brewer Baker, East St 2017There was formerly a close connection between bakers and brewers, both trades being frequently practised by the same person. In this case it was the occupations of the original owner, Robert Higgett. In 1856 the Brewer and Baker was used for an inquest. In 1961 it was said to be over 100 years old. It was said to be very roomy with a commodious bar and a fine smoke room and two rooms that the locals had nicknamed 'the horse box' and 'the donkey box'. The pub closed c2015.


1861 Robert Higgett 1868 - 1881 James Hughes 1886 - 1894 Maria Hughes 1896 C. L. Smith 1903 Caroline H. Owen 1905 T. Owen 1909 - 1912 William Edmund Embling 1919 - 1927 A. C. Embling 1929 - 1932 F. J. Toseland 1933 - 1936 A. Haddon 1937 - 1938 G. Ansell 1939 - 1940 A. Smith-James 1957 - 1961 Harold Powell (see also Grapes Inn, Warwick Lane 1957) 1960s Jesse Webb (see also at Gas Street Tavern, Gas Street and Hill Cross Tavern, Abbots Lane 1958 - 61) 1981 Patrick Moore BREWERS: 1860 Robert Higgit
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