Greyfriars Inn, 65 Greyfriars Lane

Alternative Addresses:64 Greyfriars Lane
Greyfriars Inn C1900 This pub was named after the nearby monastery. Until 1920 it is known to have been a home-brew pub. It closed on 10th April 1940 - must have been war damage. It became part of the Queens Hotel after the war. Greyfriars Lane c1900. The Inn is the building jutting out on the left in the middle distance - Ford's Hospital is in the foreground on the right.


1850 James Richard 1868 J. Thorpe 1868 - 1871 Job Snape 1874 - 1881 William Walker 1886 - 1891 Mrs Smith 1893 Thomas Price 1894 - 1896 William J. Walker 1903 - 1913 Mrs Mary Clara Brown 1919 Alfred Brown 1922 J. Cross 1924 B. Brookes 1926 - 1929 F. Biddle 1931 - 1932 T. S. Herbert 1933 - 1936 George Ansell 1937 - 1940 S. Richardson BREWERS: to 1898 William J. Walker 1898 - 1902 Alfred Brown 1902 - 1920 Mrs Mary Clara Brown
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